Monday, June 16, 2008

My Awesome Ubuntu Studio Hardy Desktop

Totally removed Vista and did a clean install of UbuntuStudio Hardy...
Now everything is right in my world.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ubuntu Studio Rocks! I have had two wonderful years of using it.
There is after all such a thing called a free lunch!

Monday, April 14, 2008

What Leads To Success... Ted Talks

I saw this short sweet three minute video, here's the shortest summary... clear enough? I hope so.

Trying... very hard. lol

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just Another Fine Day At Work

Gotta love what you do for a living so it does not feel like work... I'm thinking of bringing my Amp and guitar in the office, just like HOUSE did in Episode 1 of Season 3.

My Bike also makes it feel like I'm not going to work when I ride on my way to the office Every morning. Thank God too for Ubuntu Hardy! Imagine those bozos who pay for Vista while Ubuntu's free and freakin' hotter than any O.S. I've tried. Peace Out!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


12 years after the PMG days photo has been taken
and the guys look like they're still having fun with
work and life. Great to be part of a bigger movement